Study Less Study Smart —— 高效学习

学习内容:Marty Lobdell - Study Less Study Smart - YouTube

  • 适当休息
  • 寻求可以学习空间
  • 理解优于记忆
  • 组团学习优于单打独斗
  • 别盲目划重点
  • 多做笔记,并且时常回顾
  • 尝试教会别人 Teaching is the best way of learning.
  • 保证睡眠,有助于长期记忆的形成
  • SQ3R(survey, question, recite, read, review)方法
  • Mnemonics方法
  1. Don’t study for too long if you are not enjoying it. Take short breaks after 20-30 minutes.
  2. Don’t study in the living room, bedroom, etc. Study in a separate place dedicated to studying.
  3. Don’t try to memorize without understanding. Try to understand the concept first.
  4. Don’t always study alone. Studying in groups helps a lot.
  5. Don’t highlight text blindly. Highlighting doesn’t help that much. It only indicates Recognization not Recollection of the topic.
  6. Always take notes. Reviewing the notes after a short time helps a lot.
  7. Always try to teach others what you have learned. Teaching is the best way of learning.
  8. Sleep is so much important for pushing something into your long-term memory. Get at least 7-8 hours of sound sleep.
  9. Use the SQ3R(survey, question, recite, read, review) method while studying.
  10. Use Mnemonics. It’s the best way to memorize facts.